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Author Ann Denton

Welcome! This is the home of the TimeBend series: a set of YA books about a post-apocalyptic world where magic exists and time doesn’t behave.  

Ann Denton - Author of Burn: A TimeBend Novel - Book 2

Fire for fire.  Blood for blood.


Lowe is the perfect super soldier in a post-apocalyptic war. He's quick-witted and willing to do anything. That's why he's assigned to a top secret assassination team. 

The only problem? His cover story as a recruiter leads him to stumble across a girl with the most amazing superpowers he's ever seen. He has no choice but to recruit her for real.

And then, his mission and his heart are in danger.

Can Lowe stay focused on his orders? Should he follow orders? As Lowe struggles to answer these questions, he unearths a secret that will change the world forever. And everything hinges on the choice he makes.

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